So, the TriFlat™ tattoo needles you ordered have just arrived. As you know, TriFlat™ needles come in several grouping options, so it helps to confirm that you received what you ordered. Of course, we at Grip Needles are always thorough when shipping out your orders. Still, it's always best to double-check your tattoo needles' specifications before using them.
We've made it easy to verify that you received the right product. In this post, we will teach you how to do that by reading the labels on your 3RL Grip Needles box.
It's All on the Label

You'll need to find the needle specifications label pasted on the box, containing all the information you should know about the box's contents. This product label is generally found in all tattoo needles box and is usually pasted on the side.
Different manufacturers tend to follow different formats for their labels, but the information provided is mostly standardized. In Grip Needles' case, you'll find the following details:
Quantity. This detail informs you of how many cartridges are in the box. A TriFlat™ tattoo needle box typically contains 20 cartridges.
Configuration. This tells you how the needles are shaped or arranged. Your Grip Needles box displays 3RL because TriFlat™ needles are a hybrid between a 3 round liner (RL) and flat needle configuration. A TriFlat™ consists of individual 3RL tattoo needles arranged in a single row.
Needle grouping. This information tells you how many needle groupings within the configuration . If the grouping says "2," the cartridge contains two 3RL needle groupings. TriFlat™ needles also come in 3 and 4 groupings, which means there are three and four 3RL needles, respectively, in the cartridge. Different groupings are suitable for specific applications and techniques, with higher grouping numbers able to cover wider areas of the skin.
Needle diameter. Tattoo needles come in various diameters, usually 0.18 to 0.35mm. A needle's diameter affects factors like the amount of ink it deposits and the extent of trauma it can cause on the skin, so it's an important detail to consider. TriFlat™ tattoo needles are thin and have a diameter of 0.18 mm to 0.30 mm, so they are ideal for stippling and layering pigment, and they do not cause significant discomfort when used.
Lot number. The term "lot" refers to the batches in which products are manufactured. A lot number is used to identify which batch your 3RL tattoo needles belong to. Should there be any issues with the product, this number helps in traceability and quality control.
Manufacture date. This information tells you the exact date when the product was made. It's essential because tattoo needles have expiration dates, and you want to ensure the product is still within its recommended period.
- Expiration date. Tattoo needles have an expiry date, but this detail doesn't mean they go bad the way drugs and food do. Instead, the date tells you how long you can use the needle safely. Each needle undergoes a sterilization process to ensure it doesn't harbor disease-causing pathogens. But over time, this sterilization wears out, making the needle potentially dangerous to use past its expiry date. TriFlat™ needles have a long shelf life and are safe for several years. Please discard in a sharps container when expiration date has passed.
A Handy Skill to Have
There are many benefits to knowing how to read the label on your 3RL Grip Needles box. Along with helping you confirm you have the product you ordered, it also lets you decide how you can get the most out of your needles.
We at Grip Needles are committed to providing high-quality tattoo needles every time. Purchase your very own TriFlat™ needles and elevate your craft today.